75: Wrestlenomics Radio: WrestleMania 35 ticket sales & capacity, Triple H NXT conference call

Published: Nov. 18, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

b'Chris Harrington (@mookieghana) and Brandon Howard Thurston (@brandonthurston) talk about WM35 ticket sales (actuals vs exaggerations) and go in-depth reviewing a top WWE\'s executives vision of modern developmental:\\n\\n* WWE WrestleMania 35 ticket sales open: exclusive details on stadium capacity, predictions on gate and average ticket price\\n* Triple H NXT conference call: talent development, NXT UK brand, international Performance Centers, NXT/PC\'s financial value\\n\\n* * *\\n\\nChris and Brandon talk about additional topics every week on WRESTLENOMICS PREMIUM. Sign-up for $5 at [patreon.com/wrestlenomics](patreon.com/wrestlenomics) and listen to this week\'s premium episode.\\n\\nOn this week\'s premium show, Chris & Brandon discuss:\\n\\n* "Why Pro Wrestling"\\xa0\\xa0\\n* Mookie\'s Legal Update (Appeals, the "gun post" explained)\\n* UFC gets a better PPV cut!\\n\\n* * *\\n\\nCheck out discussion of pro-wrestling business data and legal news at [https://www.reddit.com/r/wrestlenomics/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wrestlenomics/)\\n\\n* * *\\n\\nEmail questions and comments to wrestlenomics@gmail.com.\\n\\nSupport this podcast at \\u2014 https://redcircle.com/wrestlenomics-radio/donations\\n\\nAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands\\n\\nSupport this podcast at \\u2014 https://redcircle.com/wrestlenomics-radio2532/donations\\n\\nAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands\\n\\nPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy'