WoG Brainstormz # 52 - Dragonflight Season 2 Actions

Published: May 19, 2023, 9:51 a.m.


Gearing my Rogues and enjoying it. Done some Skirmishes. Noticing improvements and having more time to think while playing in real-time. Things are slowly becoming second nature. Considering switching to streaming and using Nvidia\'s Geforce Experience to make it more seamless

Take care out there

I Love You!

WoW info NA

https://check-pvp.fr/us/Sargeras/Globalled Main. 1.6k RBGs

https://check-pvp.fr/us/Kel\'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt https://check-pvp.fr/us/Tichondrius/Grayz Horde \\u201cmain\\u201d. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-bloodbound-rbg-pvp-guild-recruiting/1159775 Recruitment post

https://www.twitch.tv/ezaygaming Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel\\u2019thuzad

https://www.twitch.tv/cooktim2 Tim\\u2019s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU

https://check-pvp.fr/eu/Ravencrest/Globalled New main. RBG\\u2019s in the future https://check-pvp.fr/eu/Ravencrest/Globalledx New main alt

https://check-pvp.fr/eu/Nordrassil/Globalled Ex main

Azeroth Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community (The name has been changed from Alliance to Azeroth during Dragonflight)

Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons


Grayz Content

https://twitter.com/grayzbdf I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to

https://www.youtube.com/grayzbdf\\xa0 Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make some stuff official later on when I can focus on such things

https://www.twitch.tv/Grayzbdf\\xa0 Reactivated project since I got hold of a PC at the end of february, thanks to one of my beloved sisters. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Michael Jordan level now

https://kick.com/grayzbdf I\\u2019m inactive there but I created an account and I am curious about that platform to be honest. For several reasons. The fact it\\u2019s an entirely different experience from the Twitch and Youtube viewer experience is a very welcome change
