The Best of WoVen: Resilience and How To Bounce Back Stronger

Published: May 27, 2020, 4:15 a.m.


Resilience: This is a challenging time for everyone, and in this first episode we explore how to cope during hard times and bounce back from them. Our Co-host, Nina Kjellson brings us behind the curtain on the wise, inspirational and sometimes hilarious experiences of women in our community who have persevered and overcome hurdles. Whether it\\u2019s unexpected change in their personal lives, profound moments of self-doubt, or macro-economic downturns, we are let in on the personal accounts of resilience by these motivating women. We sit down with Gail Maderis, Dr. Odette Harris, Glo Harris, Julia Collins, and Julie Wainwright to hear how they prevailed against adversity, were fueled by their setbacks and answer the question: why are women harsher critics of ourselves than our male counterparts?

Hosted by Nina Kjellson, WoVen : Women Who Venture is a podcast from Canaan and Edit Audio Inc. that represents a platform, a community and really a celebration of venturesome and adventurous women in healthcare, tech and business.

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