William Reed - 7th Degree Aikido Master & Creativity Expert

Published: Aug. 10, 2011, 4 a.m.

b'William Reed (http://www.redlandsaikido.com/#!__events)\\xa0is a bilingual columnist, speaker-trainer, and martial artist, with nearly 4 decades of experience in Japanese language, culture, and business, dedicated to applying Asian wisdom to solving the problems of modern life and business.\\n Inspired by Steve Jobs now famous remarks on connecting the dots, and wanting to create a community which helped people do the same, all it took was the iPad to inspire the idea to establish the iPad Creators Club.\\n\\n Many of these dots were already in place on his primary site at\\xa0http://www.williamreed.jp/, achieving empowerment and motivation with innovative thinking and physical finesse, generating original ideas and presenting them with confidence.\\n William will talk about creativity in business and combining that with the discipline that took him to the top of Aikido in Japan - a fascinating show for sure.\\n William Reed Seminars: Aug 26-28 (Brisbane), Sep 3-4 (Sydney\\n It is with great pleasure that we can formally announce that William Reed Sensei will be visiting Australia in the coming months. He has generously agreed to conduct two seminars, the first in Brisbane (Aug 26/27/28), the second in Sydney (Sep 3/4). Sensei will be introducing Nanba - the Art of Physical Finesse, in addition to teaching aspects of Yuishinkai Aikido\\n t is our understanding that these seminars will be the first time Nanba is taught outside of Japan! More about Nanba can be found here:\\xa0\\xa0http://www.nanbanote.com'