008: set 2016 team/individual goals

Published: Dec. 29, 2015, 5 p.m.


Kick off 2016 by setting goals and strategic direction for your team and yourself.


Setting Your Team\\u2019s 2016 Objectives


Schedule a conversation with your team with this agenda:


1. Celebrate 2015: take time to celebrate the big and little victories from last year.


2. Have a candid conversation: what worked well and what could\\u2019ve worked better?


3. Define 2016 goals and priority actions. What do you want to achieve, and how will you know once you achieve them? Plot out your goals, strategies and actions.
Be specific.
Set deadline or milestone marker. What will you do by when?
Plot actions needed to get from where you are now to where you want to go.
Set responsibilities. Who is doing what.
Discuss needs. Does everyone have what they need to succeed? (technology, skills, equipment \\u2026. also what do you need to lock into this \\u2026mindset, attitudes)
Discuss expectations. Set accountability. Secure agreement.


Personal Goals: have each team member write down 3 goals: 1) team goal: what they\\u2019ll contribute to the team, 2) professional goal: what do they personally want to achieve this year in their career, and 3) a personal goal: relationship, health, etc.


Recommit to your value. Beyond milestones and action plans, be sure to discuss your team\\u2019s value to the larger organization. What do you deliver, what do you contribute and/or what do you do better than anyone else?


Discuss what the team needs to let go of or do differently. Set a theme or mantra for the team to rally around.


What intention will you set today to make 2016 your best year yet?
