Valentine's Day 2020

Published: Feb. 7, 2020, 7:11 p.m.


Valentine’s Day is almost here, or as guys like to call it, Extortion Day! My husband doesn’t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine’s Day. He says when he thinks about romance, the last thing on his mind is a chubby toddler coming at him with a weapon!Studies show that 64% of American men don’t make plans ahead of time for Valentine’s day.  What’s a word for the act of setting a romantic mood with flowers and a candlelight dinner? Anthorexia!  Sounds more like a disease to me…anyway, as you can see, love is a many-syllabled thing:)  

This year as men are on a charrette, or last-minute effort to find the perfect Valentin’s Day card, Hallmark alone offers more than 1400 choices from the romantic to the humorous.  Trying to choose the perfect card for your valentine is enough to give anyone abulia, that’s difficulty making a decision!!