Pizza Slang!

Published: Jan. 24, 2019, 10:19 p.m.


You must admit, there's no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap:)  Did you know the professionals cooking up your favorite pie/  have developed their own language when it comes to pizza? Tip Sag is what you get when the pointy end of your pizza starts to droop.  This most often occurs with topping-heavy pies like Neapolitan-style pizzas/   with generous helpings of fresh mozzarella piled on top!

Pizza chefs often refer to anchovies as guppies or smellies. The terms penguin food and carp are also heard in some pizza kitchens. Mutz is simply a quicker way of saying mozzarella and slices of pepperoni are often called flyers reportedly because of the way they are tossed around on top of the pizza like Frisbees. But be careful with a pizza that’s loaded with toppings or you could experience an avalanche.   An avalanche is what occurs when all the toppings slide off your pizza as soon as you pick it up:)!