Owl Flies Into Helicopter Cockpit? WHAAAAT?

Published: Jan. 21, 2021, 1:57 a.m.

Recently, a pilot helping to fight the fires in  California had an unexpected guest board his helicopter mid-flight.  Dan Alpiner, a pilot with Sky Aviation, was helping conduct water drops over the Creek Fire in Medera county when mid-flight, an owl flew in through the window and perched calmly inside his helicopter! Whats a word for something being really strange? Ostrobogulous!

Fortunately, the owl didn’t cause any trouble and after riding in the helicopter for a short time, flew right back out the window. A baby owl is called an Owlet.  A group of owls is called a Parliament. The name Parliament originates from C.S. Lewis description of a meeting of owls in The Chronicles of Narnia. Owls are zygodactyl, which means their feet have two forward-facing toes and two backward-facing toes. What's a word for the fear of owls? Strigiformophobia!