Love Hate Relationship With Vending Machines?

Published: April 12, 2019, 6:47 p.m.


The world's first vending machine was invented in Ancient Egypt in 215 BCE.  Of course, vending machines are everywhere now and have recently been expanding their offerings to satisfy the masses. I guess sometimes people have an intense craving for a certain type of food. These people are also known as opsomaniacs.

Ohio State University has its own bacon vending machine. And there's a pecan pie vending machine in Cedar Creek, Texas.  Other rassasy vending machines around the world dispense hot pizza, burritos, live crabs, baguettes, and caviar!  Rassasy is something to satisfy your hunger. Did you forget to pack your pants?  The Standard hotels in New York, Los Angeles, and Miami actually have clothing in their vending machines!