Greetings Around The World!

Published: May 15, 2018, 9 p.m.


Every culture has a unique way of greeting people. Romantic cultures such as Latin America and the French share the custom of greeting people with a kiss whether they know them or not.  What’s another word for kissing? Osculating! In Tibet, sticking out your tongue is a perfectly acceptable greeting. This custom is rooted in the story of an evil king who’s tongue was black.  By showing someone else your tongue you are proving you are not the reincarnated evil king.

Eskimo kissing or rubbing noses is a way to show affection in Arctic climates without exposing one’s mouth to the freezing cold temperatures.  The Inuits call this a kunik.  In the Philippines, elders are greeted by taking one of their hands gently and pressing it on your forehead. They call this gesture mano,  which is “hand” in Spanish,  and it’s used to show respect.