Flying Squirrels On An Airplane?

Published: Oct. 25, 2018, 9:40 p.m.


Recently a traveler alerted an airline that she would be bringing an emotional-support animal on a flight from Orlando to Cleveland.  What she failed to mention is that this particular animal would be so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.  Now that’s a bit twistical.  Twistical is another word for not quite truthful.

Unfortunately, this caused quite a flapdoodle when she tried to board with her emotional support squirrel.  When she refused to leave the squirrel behind, all the passengers had to deplane while security removed her from the flight.  Not the best example of in-flight jettiquette.

The airlines were concerned the squirrel would get loose and wreak havoc on other passengers, perhaps even jumping from baggage bin to baggage bin Cirque du Squirrel-eil style. What’s a word for the fear of squirrels? (Sy-ur-ah-phobia) Sciurophobia