Are You Ready to Gobble Till You Wobble?

Published: Nov. 9, 2021, 1:10 a.m.

Are you ready to gobble till you wobble?  Americans alone feast on 535 million pounds of turkey on thanksgiving!  The word  ‘turkey’ may  originate  from the fact that turkeys make a turk, turk, turk, sound when they’re it is scared. The skin that hangs off the turkey’s neck is called a Wattle!  Turkeys have great hearing and have a wide field of vision, which makes sneaking up on them difficult.  But, when you do, they quickly become bumsquabbled!


Some of us crave certain food for the Thanksgiving meal. Personally, I look forward to the cranberries or bounceberries as they’re sometimes called! (You know they’re ripe if they bounce when you drop them on the floor!) What’s a word for craving a certain food to the point of madness? AHP-suh-MAY-nee-ak) opsomaniac!