Wool n' Spinning Episode 125: Fleeces and Textured Lace Cardigan

Published: Sept. 20, 2019, 3:19 p.m.

Thank you for being here today, especially those who were able to make it to the Live Stream. I appreciate your time spent here in this place with me. I hope you feel most welcome because you are welcome here. In today’s show, we talk about my works in progress that are trucking along quickly! Since our current Breed & Colour Studies is winding down, I share a couple of finished projects by our community. Katrina and I will be chatting on Wool n’ Spinning Radio in October about the next installment – stay tuned! I share my Sparks of Grey shawl, my textured lace cardigan that is based on a formula from Laura Chau’s blog from years ago, and some asymmetrical tea towels on the floor loom. Enjoy the show!