Womyn In Music: Edition 20

Published: Dec. 8, 2017, 2:24 a.m.

b"Think of the first song you ever heard. Was it the lullaby your mother sang at night? Perhaps it was some wind chimes tinkling in a storm. No matter the tune, music resonates with our souls far deeper than any writing or speaking ever can.\\n\\nMusic, that unique organization of sound in time, is the oldest art. Before notated language, women spoke our herstories to the beat of drums. Thrumming on taught skins and hollowed logs sent messages into our bones. We breathed life into pipes that trilled the melodies of now forgotten times. We used our lilting voices to recant folktales and frights, the lessons of our lives, and funny tales of fluky passerby.\\n\\nMelodies, like recipes, can retell herstories, bridge social divides and unite minds. Pulsing chants can rally warriors while charming hymns can heal those wounded spirits. In our current time, these singsong rhymes are claimed and maimed by male supremacy: men relegate women musicians and our works to the background of the industry. Well, the women of WLRN say FUCK THAT NOISE! Let's listen to what women have to say! \\n\\nStarting off our jam-packed podcast is Sekhmet's latest headlines, followed by Heart\\u2019s Love Alive. Next is Julia's interview with Brenna and Melanie of BLEEDERS, a pro-woman gash rock band whose recent tour included kicks from the crowd. \\u201cBackstabbing Scumfucker\\u201d by BLEEDERS is followed by \\u201cTraffic\\u201d by Bitch and Animal. Then Thistle interviews Bitch, whose shows, like her name, are exercises in self-liberation. Ferron\\u2019s \\u201cTestimony\\u201d offers us a moment of reflection. Thistle\\u2019s interview with Ferron, an herstorically influential lesbian musician from Vancouver, is followed by Pink\\u2019s \\u201cWild Hearts Can\\u2019t Be Broken.\\u201d Thistle rounds out the hour with her commentary sandwiched between her songs \\u201cBella Ciao\\u201d and \\u201cO\\u2019 Madison,\\u201d which she wrote after facing misogynist discrimination in Madison, Wisconsin. Ani Difranco\\u2019s \\u201cMake Them Apologize\\u201d segues into an announcement of the winner of WLRN\\u2019s very first T-Shirt Contest.\\n\\nEnjoy! Photo is of Melanie of the Bleeders, performing her art."