Women & the Environment: WLRN's Edition 28

Published: Aug. 3, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

b"Mother Earth is on the brink of destruction. Modern industry fosters ecological degradation through unsustainable habits of pollution and resource depletion. Male-driven civilization and its treatment of the natural world wreaks havoc all around us, but women hold the power to save life on this planet as we know it.\\nToday's podcast features women who dedicate their lives to seeking and spreading knowledge of sustainable living. In our first interview, Thistle speaks with Susan Griffin, author of Woman & Nature: The Roaring Inside Her, a pioneering work of ecofeminist philosophy. In our second interview, Sekhmet speaks with Lierre Keith, radical activist and co-founder of Deep Green Resistance. These two interviews are framed by Maya's world headlines and Thistle's commentary on the womon-Earth connection. Along the way we hear music from Suzanne Vega, Sweet Honey in the Rock, and Big Bad Gina.\\nThank you for tuning in to WLRN's naturally gynocentric broadcast. Blessed be!"