Women & Climate Change: WLRN's Edition 51

Published: July 2, 2020, 4:17 p.m.

b'We chose July to focus on climate change since it has the reputation for being one of the hottest months of the year. In this edition of our monthly news program, hear the world news written and delivered by WLRN\'s April Neult before enjoying the song "Flint" by Aisha Fukushima. \\n\\nNext up. hear an interview WLRN\'s Sekhmet SheOwl did with eco-feminist activist and author, Lierre Keith in which they discuss the importance of the feminist movement to the environmental movement and what mainstream environmental activism is getting wrong.\\n\\nFinally, this month\'s program is rounded off with poignant commentary from WLRN\'s Dana Vitalosova who offers her views on the climate crisis and how she is handling it. \\n\\nThank you for tuning in to feminist community powered radio, WLRN. If you\'d like to support our work, please consider clicking on the donate button on our wordpress site and browsing our merch tab to find a nice gift in exchange. https://wlrnmedia.wordpress.com/merch/\\n\\nWithout your support, we couldn\'t do this important work so THANK YOU to all of our listeners for continuing to share, like and support getting marginalized women\'s voices on the air.'