WLRN's Thistle Pettersen Interviews Lawyer Ann Menasche

Published: Oct. 30, 2019, 12:18 a.m.

b'Ann Menasche has devoted most of her life to working for economic and social justice, civil rights, environmental sanity, and peace.\\n\\nAnn spoke with WLRN via skype about the recent launch of Feminists in Struggle (FIST)\'s campaign to amend the US Federal Equality Act. In the interview you will hear Ann talk about the difference between sex and gender and how the concept of "gender identity" effectively erases girls\' and women\'s sex-based rights and protections.\\n\\nMs. Menasche has 40 years of litigation experience in civil rights and public interest law, having worked since 2002 in the field of disability rights. She is a long-time activist in the peace, disability rights, and gay rights movements.\\n\\nAnn came of age during the social movements of the 1960\'s and 70\'s. She attended Vassar College in New York and became a leader in the growing anti-Vietnam war, student, and feminist movements.\\n\\nMore information about FIST\'s campaign is here: https://feministstruggle.org/2019/10/19/feminists-in-struggle-fist-launches-campaign-for-feminist-amendments-to-the-equality-act/'