WLRN's Danielle Whitaker Interviews Musician RAINBOW STAR

Published: June 4, 2019, 11:25 p.m.

b'WLRN\'s Danielle Whitaker recently interviewed RAINBOW STAR (all caps \\u2014 listen and learn why!), a feminist performer and songwriter from Kentucky.\\n\\nRAINBOW STAR\'s first album is available at rainbowstarmusic.com, and her new album, Music from the Rainbow Sparkle Palace: Volume II, is coming soon, with part of the proceeds benefiting a domestic violence shelter in Richmond, Kentucky. One of the album\'s tracks entitled "Patriarchy Song" was recently banned from Facebook due to lyrics that were considered "offensive."\\n\\nIn this interview, RAINBOW talks about the impact of this ban, the challenges of living as a feminist in rural Kentucky, and her journey as a feminist musician.'