WLRN Music Hour with Phoenixx! Episode 2

Published: Sept. 30, 2017, 12:49 p.m.

b'Phoenixx is a WLRN listener with a large women\'s music collection she would like to share with her sisters. Take a listen to this 2nd episode of the WLRN Music Hour!\\n\\nPlaylist for WLRN Music with Phoenixx October 2, 2017\\n\\nBody Hair, Anne Seale, sample record with Hotwire, Jan 1993\\n\\nA Touch of Menopausal Anarchy, Carolyn Hillyer, Weathered Edge\\n\\nSway of Her Hips, Teresa Trull, Playtime, 1997\\n\\nWomanly Way, Linda(Tui) Tillery, album same name, 1977\\n\\nBrown Like Me, Washington Sisters/June Millington writer, Understated, 1987\\n\\nBig, Big, Woman, Regina Wells, Rashida Oji\\n\\nBledsung Live at Kuumbwa Jazz Center, Polly Wood, Music for Metaformic Theory, 2008 \\n\\nThe Bloods, Debbie Lemke, Berkley Women\\u2019s Music Collective, 1977\\n\\nOde to a Gym Teacher, Meg Christian, I Know You Know, 1974\\n\\nTomboy Girl, Tret Fure and Cris Williamson, Radio Quiet, 1999\\n\\nUntitled, Pat Parker, Every woman\\u2019s blues, Women\\u2019s Prison Concert Collective, 1976\\n\\nFeral Children, Beth Orton, Comfort of Strangers, 2006\\n\\n3000 Miles, Tracy Chapman, Where You Live, 2005\\n\\nBe Careful, cover by Cris Williamson (written by Patti Griffin), Motherland, 2017\\n\\nOld Woman, Linda Shear, A Lesbian Portrait, 1975\\n\\nPhoenixx is a 50 year old, post-menopausal, able-bodied, middle-class white Dyke/Lesbian Separatist of Spirit. I love wimmin and our Radical Feminist music through Time, as it foregrounds the Gynocentric Background (Mary Daly\\u2019s articulation) and pushes back the onslaught of phallocentricity that pitifully tries to pass as everything. I offer these bi-monthly arrangements of Women\\u2019s Liberation Music as Female magic to continue to undo what has been done to all of us through time and space for millennia under male supremacy and to link us to the Gynocentric Goddess-honoring world that came before. \\n\\n"The connections between & among women are the most feared, the most problematic and the most potentially transforming force on the planet." Adrienne Rich'