WLRN Music Hour #3 with Phoenixx -- Resistance

Published: Oct. 16, 2017, 1:28 p.m.

b'This week on the Women\\u2019s Liberation Music Hour with Phoenixx, the theme is Resistance with a special focus on Anger. In general, women are socialized to not feel anger, let alone act on it. Of course, it\\u2019s no coincidence that rebellion, resistance and revolution against male supremacy is fueled and sustained by anger. Feeling and acting on one\\u2019s anger is essential to Women\\u2019s Liberation. Reasons for being angry these days are too many to enumerate, but if I were to name a few... sexism, racism, anti-semitism, classism, lesbophobia, ableism, sizeism, poverty...Oh, don\'t want to forget to mention what really is at the top of my uncensored list--pornography, johns, female sexual slavery, heteropatriarchal sexualization of women and girls, the pillaging and raping of the Earth and Her wimmin, and male violence of all varieties. May The Furies rise up and as Amy Carol Webb sings: "Mothers and Sisters of the Earth: shout your name, and claim your worth!"\\n\\nImage is of the Red Brigade of India\\n\\n1 Fuck You Now Manifesto Lenelle Moise\\n2 Aint no backin up now Isis\\n3 I\'m Gon\' Stand Sweet Honey in the Rock\\n4 fury Berkeley Women\\u2019s Music Collective\\n5 SAy No! Washington Sisters\\n6 I Want You Gone Too Holly Near\\n7 Cold as it Gets Patti Griffin\\n8 Amazon Like Rock Stacy Ann Chin\\n9 Back in the Ring Chris Pureka\\n10 we\'re hip Berkeley Women\\u2019sMusic Collective\\n11 papa Chicago Women\\u2019s Liberation Rock Band\\n12 Don\'t Ever Stop Ubaka Hill\\n13 I Come From Women Amy Carol Web'