WLRN Interviews Stella Perrett about her New Book

Published: Dec. 18, 2020, 4:43 p.m.

b'On December 15th, 2020, Thistle sat down with Political Cartoonist from the UK, Stella Perrett, to talk about her new book called "2020 -- The Year We All Were Cancelled!" \\n\\nThe book is a collection of Stella\'s best political cartoons from the year and synopses of cases of people or ideas that were "cancelled" due to expressing views that are not mainstream.\\n\\nTo buy Ms. Perrett\'s book, please click on this link: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/2020...\\n\\nIn this interview, you\'ll hear Stella talk about her personal story of being let go by the Morning Star communist newspaper after she published a cartoon that expressed concern about transgender ideology.\\n\\nYou will also hear Stella and Thistle tease out the differences between free speech and hate speech and conclude that much of the censoring of women\'s voices has to do with misogyny, and not just with the suppression of free speech.\\n\\nThere are many moments during the interview that Stella expresses her undying support for true free speech and the value of political cartooning, an art form that is threatened by the heightened "wokeness" of the press we are seeing as the rise of transgenderism continues. \\n\\nTo see Stella\'s new cartoons on a weekly basis, please follow this link: http://www.uncancelled.co.uk/ \\n\\nStella\'s website is here: http://www.spanglefish.com/stellaillu...\\n\\nWLRN is proud to support "cancelled" artists as we go into 2021. If you like what you\'re hearing and would like to become a listener sponsor, please click on the donate button on our wordpress site. https://wlrnmedia.wordpress.com/'