WLRN Five-Year Anniversary Shout-out from Tracye

Published: April 20, 2021, 4:11 p.m.

b"Pennsylvania listener Tracye Bennis-Sine called in to give WLRN a five-year anniversary shout-out to help us celebrate. Thank you, Tracye!\\n\\nIf you'd like to join her in airing your voice in WLRN's Five-Year Anniversary Podcast dropping May 6th, send your shout-out as an MP3 to wlrnewscontact@gmail.com by May 4th to be considered.\\n\\nBelow is the original call-out for celebratory remarks. Cheers!\\n\\nDo you love the DIY nature of what WLRN has done over the past five years in your ears as YOUR feminist community-powered radio station in the Femisphere?\\n\\nWe were one of the first news outlets to publicly be critical of transgender politics and ideology back in 2016.\\n\\nWe haven't missed ONE MONTH for five years of collective collaboration to put together our news show.\\n\\nEach month, we talk with top feminist activists and scholars from around the world, promote women's music, report on the world news, and offer up Totally Excellent Radical Feminist commentary.\\n\\nWhatever it is about WLRN that you love and appreciate, you can help us to celebrate our anniversary by sending us an MP3 file of your voice describing what you like about WLRN, what it has meant for you in your life and your good wishes for us to continue broadcasting into the future.\\n\\nJust send us your 1-3 minute five-year anniversary shout-out in MP3 form to wlrnewscontact@gmail.com and we'll include it in our Five Year Anniversary Edition next month and also on our NEW WEBSITE coming to an internet near you!\\n\\nThanks for staying tuned to TERF Radio, WLRN!\\n\\nThanks for tuning in to feminist community-powered radio, WLRN."