WLRN Edition 35: Women with Disabilities and Inclusion in Feminist Culture and Movement

Published: March 7, 2019, 7:45 p.m.

b'This program features our newest member, Danielle Whitaker from Atlanta who greets listeners before the world news written and delivered by Damayanti, WLRN\'s youngest member from India. Next you\'ll enjoy music by Gaelynn Lea and her song "Someday We\'ll Linger in the Sun" before Thistle\'s interview with our guest Ellana Crew, a blind lesbian from Baltimore. Then, enjoy Johnnie Mae Dunson\'s song "I\'m a whole lotta woman" that leads into Robin Long\'s interview with Tara Ayers, a disability rights activist and long time producer of women\'s cultural events, theater and concerts. Finally, we are happy to feature another stellar commentary by our resident female-separatist, Sekhmet SheOwl.\\n\\nPlease listen, like and share widely! We are a grassroots feminist community powered program that relies on our followers for ever wider audiences and distribution.'