WLRN Edition 29: Women in the Labor Movement

Published: Sept. 6, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

b'In honor of all the working women of the world, WLRN\'s 29th edition is dedicated to women in the labor movement. This month\'s program starts off with April Neault, the newest member of the WLRN team, introducing herself and the guests on the show. She is followed by WLRN\'s world news segment as written and presented by Damayanti. Next, enjoy a rousing version of the song "Union Maid" from the New Harmony Sisterhood Band followed by an interview Thistle conducted with Ms. Stephanie Luce, Professor of Labor Studies at the School of Labor and Urban Studies, as well as Professor of Sociology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Next up, you\'ll hear an interview with Andrea Narbot, Marxist Feminist from Atlanta, GA that Sekhmet conducted followed by Sekhmet\'s pointed commentary about the harms of capitalist economics and how women and especially women of color and lesbians are particularly impacted. Finally, enjoy the song "Woman\'s Work" by Tracy Chapman and all of the voices of WLRN\'s staff as we bid farewell to our faithful listeners until next time. Thanks for staying tuned to your feminist community radio station online!'