Warrior's Lullaby: song by Thistle

Published: March 31, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

b"Shortly after holding up a sign at the women's march in Madison on January 21st 2017, Thistle Pettersen was defamed by hundreds of peers and colleagues in her community to the point of losing her regular music show at a neighborhood bar and almost losing her employment. This song was written during that period of backlash that lasted for about 10 weeks after the women's march. It is about taking care of yourself, soothing and guiding yourself towards the default setting of the universe which is love-of-existence and joy-in-being. Thistle's battlefield is media work/songwriting and her sword is the pen she uses to create feminist culture that aims for fierce & compassionate sisterhood and human rights for all. Resting from the battle and from the war on women is essential to our success. Thanks to all of the women who battle our oppressors to the point of needing to take deep pensive time to rest before wielding the sword again. Blessed Be."