The Women of Standing Rock: WLRN's edition 9 podcast

Published: Jan. 7, 2017, 10:35 p.m.

b"WLRN's 9th edition podcast is dedicated to the women of the Standing Rock struggle to protect the Missouri River and indigenous land from the Energy Transfer Partners' Dakota Access oil pipeline.\\n\\nSekhmet She Owl presents compelling commentary as well as excerpts from her interview with Shannon Kring, creator and producer of End of the Line: The Women of Standing Rock,, a documentary featuring the voices of native women fighting against the pipeline.\\n\\nIn addition, we hear from Christa Bruhn, mother of three Palestinian children growing up in Madison, WI and water protector activist who recently traveled to Standing Rock to cook in the kitchens and participate in the women's silent prayer march to the front lines where police are protecting the company's progress in building the pipeline.\\n\\nWe also hear from CJ, a young radical feminist native woman who felt called to go to Standing Rock to be in solidarity with all of those there fighting for indigenous land and clean water. She talked with Sarah Barr Fraas about her experiences at the camp and participation in water protector actions.\\n\\nThe music featured in this podcast is by Buffy Sainte-Marie, and Ulali, \\n\\nPlease listen, like, comment and share widely! We are always happy to hear from you. Be in touch by email at"