The Battle of Seattle: WLRN's Edition 46 Podcast

Published: Feb. 7, 2020, 2:36 p.m.

b'Thanks to our listener sponsors, WLRN was able to send Thistle Pettersen to Seattle the weekend of February 1st to attend the talk "Fighting the New Misogyny" featuring Lierre Keith, Meghan Murphy, Saba Malik and Kara Dansky at the Seattle Public Library. \\n\\nIn this edition, you will hear exclusive coverage of events surrounding the main event that drew 350 people to the library to hear women speak about the harms of gender identity legislation and culture. There were supporters and protesters alike captured by the many media activists present though the absence of major media was glaring. \\n\\nFirst up, you\'ll hear the world news as written and delivered by WLRN\'s Dana Vitalosova right before hearing the Cranberries\' song "Zombie" which is amazingly perfect for this month\'s topic. \\n\\nAfter the Cranberries song, WLRN\'s April Neault introduces the Seattle sound collage Thistle and Jenna co-created of the many voices of women attending the talk, offering their insights and statements about why they were there woven in between snippets of Thiste\'s song "Trans." The collage ends with "Song to the Sky" also by WLRN\'s Thistle Pettersen.\\n\\nThen, it\'s on to the clips Jenna chose to feature of the speakers, audience and protesters at the event including the "Let Women Speak" chant audience members broke into as transgender activists attempted to disrupt. "Let women speak" became a powerful phrase repeated by the audience as the cops arrested and dragged protesters out of the auditorium. \\n\\nFinally, enjoy stellar WLRN commentary by Sekhmet SheOwl as she reflects on free speech, the lack of media presence and more. \\n\\nThanks for tuning in to WLRN, feminist community powered media. If you\'d like to support this grassroots project, please consider becoming a listener sponsor by clicking on the donate button on our wordpress site and giving a monthly donation of any amount. Every little bit helps to keep us going as a collective of media activist women to bring you the news most media will not touch due to the censoring of feminist voices.'