Edition 67: A Feminist Study of Death

Published: Nov. 4, 2021, 5:43 p.m.

b'This month\\u2019s edition focuses on a feminist perspective of death. Death, another natural reality patriarchy views as an obstacle to overcome. How ironic that the necromancy that is patriarchy should be so obsessed with eternal life. \\n\\nWLRN member Aurora greets us into the edition, where we also hear from the 11th Hour Blog\\u2019s Jennifer Bilek in her monthly special report on the intersection of transgenderism, capitalism, technology and transhumanism; This month she talks about the significance of Dave Chapelle\\u2019s comments in his recent comedy special. \\n\\nAfter our world news headlines from Emilianne Lorenzen, Eva Cassidy\\u2019s song Autumn Leaves plays, and we\\u2019re led into April Neault\\u2019s interview with death doula and Religion and Cultures professor Dr. Susan Srigley. In the interview, Susan talks about her experiences as an end-of-life companion and about society\\u2019s fearsome attitude towards death - a process as natural, though far less celebrated, as birth.\\n\\nFrom the interview we close out Edition 67 with Sekhmet She-owl\\u2019s commentary about living your best life, and making the most of your time when you know it\\u2019s limited.\\n\\nOur handcrafted podcasts come out the first Thursday of the month, every month. Next month we focus on women\\u2019s intentional communities. Thanks for staying tuned!'