Edition 64: Michigan Womyn's Festivals 2021

Published: Aug. 5, 2021, 9:55 p.m.

b"August 2021's edition features the sounds of Michigan Womyn's Music Festivals both on the original site of the infamous MichFest and in the Pines, where Michigan Framily Reunion is held every year since 2016. \\n\\nHear WLRN's greeting from WLRN member April Neault before Emiliann Lorenzen launches into the world news. After the news, Jennifer Bilek provides us with a report on the gender industry, and then you'll hear Nedra Johnson's 'August Moon', a song about MichFest and women gathering under the full moon. Next, enjoy Thistle and Jenna's sound collage of conversation, ambience and music from three festivals that happened in Michigan this summer: Big Mouth Girl, the Dragyn Ride and Michigan Framily Reunion (MFR). \\n\\nAfter the sound collage, listen for WLRN members' outros including Emiliann's who will be covering the Sovereign Women Speak event this month in Seattle Washington. https://www.sovereignwomencircle.com/\\n\\nThanks for tuning in to WLRN, the original TERF radio. Please listen, like, comment and share widely. To donate to the cause of feminist community radio, click here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=ULAE4ZHPARLFE"