Edition 58: A Feminist Analysis of Dance

Published: Feb. 4, 2021, 3:21 p.m.

b"In this edition of WLRN's monthly handcrafted podcast hear the world news delivered by Emiliann Lorenzen after WLRN's newest member, Mer Safina, begins the show with the greeting.\\n\\nAfter the world news, enjoy music by the Go Gos and Sia before listening to interview clips of discussions of dance and our experiences of it from Thistle Pettersen and Agnes Wade. Thanks to Mer Safina, our newest member, for stepping up to interviewing Thistle, our longest time WLRN member. And thanks to Agnes Wade for speaking so truthfully about her experiences in the sex industry. \\n\\nTo view both of those interviews in their entirety, stay tuned to the WLRN Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP213EJAmGphc7BBJuyi1lA\\n\\nAfter the interview segments, make sure to keep listening to the end of the show for Sekhmet SheOwl's commentary about the role dance can play in our lives as a tool for healing within ourselves and bonding with each other in our sisterhood.\\n\\nThank you for tuning in to WLRN's monthly podcast. Please listen, like, and share widely as our grassroots labor of love only reaches women by social media and word-of-mouth. Until next time, stay strong in the struggle!"