Edition 56: Women & Animals

Published: Dec. 3, 2020, 6:07 p.m.

b"Welcome to our monthly podcast for December 2020!\\n\\nFirst up, hear Emiliann Lorenzen deliver WLRN's world news segment followed by a clip of Jonna Jinton from Sweden, singing a traditional herding song to bring cows and goats in from pasture. \\n\\nNext, hear Thistle's interview with Falcon River, lesbian feminist homesteader in the State of Michigan. Falcon wanted to make sure women know she is on Facebook and always interested in hearing from sisters looking for sisterhood and community. She also wanted us to share this link to her feminist spiritual group, https://www.circleofaradia.org/4/index.htm. \\n\\nAfter the interview with Falcon about the animals she grew up with and the horses she currently lives with in Michigan, hear feminist herbalist Linda Conroy talk about the animals she lives with on her land in Southern Wisconsin. To learn more about Linda's work, visit https://moonwiseherbs.com/.\\n\\nFinally, enjoy WLRN commentary from April Neault and Sekhmet SheOwl on the topic before the team at WLRN signs off. \\n\\nWLRN is completely volunteer powered and listener sponsored so please like and share widely. Consider a donation to the cause of feminist community powered radio by visiting our wordpress site, https://wlrnmedia.wordpress.com/, and clicking on the donate button. Thanks for staying tuned to WLRN!"