Edition 40: Digest of Dyke Marches & Pride Parades 2019

Published: Aug. 1, 2019, 12:54 p.m.

b'WLRN\'s 40th edition podcast takes a look at the current state of lesbians within what is now known as the LGBTQ+ movement, by exploring women\'s experiences at this year\'s Pride Parades and Dyke Marches.\\n\\nIn this August 1st broadcast of our monthly news program, April Neault delivers the latest in women\'s news, followed by our featured song, "Whole Woman" by Ali Bee, written about a dyke march that was taken over by men. http://alibeemusic.com/\\n\\nNext, you\'ll hear an interview with Eli and Jen, two lesbians who participated in this year\'s Dyke March in New York City who were barred from marching by trans activists who were Dyke March officials. Next up, Sofia Simonson of the Lancashire Resisters speaks with WLRN\'s Sekhmet SheOwl about the Resisters\' demonstration this year at Lancaster Pride. They too encountered trans activists but had a "street plan" before they went and managed to maintain a lesbian feminist presence for quite some time before being taken over by the mobs.\\n\\nFinally, for our commentary this month, we have chosen to re-broadcast Thistle\'s commentary from Edition 31, which is once again particularly relevant to today\'s program.\\n\\nAs mentioned in this month\'s show, the Lesbian Strength March is coming up this September in the UK\\u2014a pro-female event created by and for lesbians. Click here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-lesbian-strength-march-and-rally-tickets-64786948507 to learn more and support this brave and momentous initiative. https://www.gofundme.com/f/lesbian-strength-march-and-rally\\n\\nOn behalf of all of us here at WLRN, thank you for supporting feminist-powered community radio. If you like what you hear, please share our content widely so our voices can reach more and more women across the globe!'