Bonus: Anushia Interviews Krista

Published: April 8, 2021, 4:32 p.m.


This is a bonus episode where Anushia Kandasamy (of Episode 4) decides to reverse the roles and ask me questions!


She did a brilliant job as she made me talk about what mattered to me the most and how I ended up doing what I do now. I also had many a-ha moments during the course of our interview as I realised how stories have been a major influence in my life even from a young age.


I spoke about being uncomfortable, bored, angry and curious and these emotions catapulted me into starting life-changing projects that impact the community and solve problems. In this episode, I also spoke about the importance of raising leaders while being fulfilled and happy at what I do.


Season 2 launches on 16 April so stay tuned!
