Face Down Cancer with Resilience & Courage

Published: Feb. 6, 2024, 9 a.m.

33-year-old Brandi Dodson is affectionately called the \u201cQueen Bee\u201d by everyone who knows

her. Brandi lives in Central Illinois with her husband and 12-year-old daughter. She grew up in

Midwest farm country. She works as a business system administrator for the Pete Store for

Peterbilt semis. Brandi is a true cancer warrior who wants to share the importance of living life

intentionally. She is teaching everyone when cancer strikes how to "fight like

Bee." When you do, regardless of your diagnosis, cancer never wins. In this

episode, Brandi shares her journey from her original breast cancer diagnosis,

remission, and recent stage four terminal cancer diagnosis. It is an emotional

episode that carries a powerful message of how to achieve resilience, courage, and peace. It

is an insightful tutorial on how to cope, live, and prevail for anyone touched by cancer and

anyone who is not. Tune into this episode of Women Road Warriors with Shelley Johnson and

Kathy Tuccaro.


#FightingCancer #BattlingCancer #Cancer #BreastCancer #CancerSurvivors #CancerWarriors #Inspiration #Hope #BrandiDodson #WomenRoadWarriors #ShelleyMJohnson #KathyTuccaro