How to Align Yourself And Conquer Your Wildest Dreams

Published: April 16, 2020, 11:06 a.m.

Leia Sergakis, a talk show host at Table For One, is joining us today on Women Building Wealth! I’m excited to have her on for a few different reasons, but #1 she has been someone I’ve looked up to since college, we were in a sorority (Pi Beta Phi) together so I’ve seen her charisma and comedic commentary first hand.

Leia was someone who always seemed to have everything under control and she shares today how she wasn’t actually walking in her true purpose. And how not trusting your own intuition can lead you down a path that’s not best suited for you.

Leia goes into detail on how she got back in alignment and taking messy action has helped her become a tv show host, speak at Beauty Con, interview celebrities on numerous red carpets, perform as a comedian, and numerous other achievements!

Instagram: @leiasergakis

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