Meet Women's Inflection Point Founder, C. Renee Wilson

Published: May 28, 2020, 1 a.m.


Women\\u2019s Wealth is growing faster than Men\\u2019s.\\xa0 As women and the next generation rise in financial power, Women will fundamentally change the meaning of legacy.\\xa0 Wealth is different from income \\u2013 Like a balance sheet, wealth is the measure of a household\\u2019s assets \\u2013 cash savings, stocks, bonds, and home, business and real estate equity \\u2013 minus their liabilities, such as mortgage and credit card debt. Wealth \\u2013 or financial assets \\u2013 is a store of resources that women and families can tap into during emergencies. It provides a nest egg that can be leveraged into investments, like a home or a business and can be passed onto future generations.

Building women\\u2019s economic security and closing the wealth gender wealth gap is imperative because the economic security of women is not just about women \\u2013 it\\u2019s about the prosperity of children, families, communities, and the national economy. Women\\u2019s ability to earn, save and invest plays a critical role of the wells-being of their children, the strength of their communities and the economic prosperity of our nation. Certainly, we can\\u2019t not forget about policies and practical solutions that build wealth for not only low-income women and women of color, but all women.\\xa0 Wage disparities, employment segregation, and caregiving burdens are key drivers of gender income and wealth inequality. Women have lower levels of financial knowledge than men. Women-owned businesses are going in number, but most produce minimal wealth for their owners. Lower-income women and women of color are unlikely to benefit from savings and investment incentives offered throughout the U.S. Tax Code. Many women are trapped in a cycle of debt that undermines their capacity to build wealth.

Women \\u2013 as singles, mothers, wives, or widows \\u2013 need access to a full continuum of opportunities to save, invest and preserve financial assets so they can build a better future for themselves and their families. They need access to financial education and coaching, coupled with affordable and appropriate savings and credit building products, at key times in their lives.

These are some of the reasons Equity Movement Enterprises, Inc. and Women\\u2019s Inflection Point launched the System entitled Women Acquiring Assets (WAA) to teach women the stepping stones to homeownership, investment properties, investment clubs, retirement planning, insurance and to learn about savings and stocks, etc. while guiding them in the right direction to grow their net worth say\\u2019s C. Renee Wilson.\\xa0 To do that I knew I needed to identify a partner that was compassionate, personal experiences resulted in her true understanding of finances, has a heart to\\xa0 serve others, genuine and is the most unselfish connector I know, that person was none other than Ms. Anika Jackson.\\xa0 Please be sure you read her first article which is the Cover Story in this Edition from the first word to the last. I know you will find it inspiring.\\xa0 Welcome to Women Acquiring Assets and join us on Facebook:\\xa0 @womeninflectionpoint.\\xa0 To advance women overall in financial wellness, C. Renee feels that by incorporating sessions at the WIP Occurrences & ManCave Conference, articles in the Magazine, and other media mediums, this strategy casts a broader net to touch and educate more women. \\xa0
