Guest Margo Ford, Fitness by Ford

Published: March 11, 2021, 2 a.m.


Margo Ford shares, "I started my fitness journey 4 years ago only trying to lose weight for my wedding. If you would\\u2019ve asked me to workout with you I probably would\\u2019ve avoided it. I stepped out of my comfort zone and joined a fitness bootcamp. Working out in front of other people was a lot easier than I thought it would\\u2019ve been. I lost 10lbs the first week. After losing that much weight that fast I became addicted to working out. Watching my body transform so fast was just amazing to me. I was able to lose 45lbs in 6 months. I set a goal to lose 50lbs before my wedding. The month before my wedding I reached that goal. I decided to get certified and become a fitness trainer because so many people were asking me to help them lose weight. Once I started helping my friends lose weight I new this was something I need to continue doing. I started my fitness business Fitness by Ford during the quarantine with a 21 day AB challenge that turned out to be a hit. I\\u2019ve had over 200 clients do that virtual challenge.
I came up with my Fine & Fit collection because a lot of my workout challenges require waist trainers & resistance bands. Now I have waist trainers & resistance bands on hand for my local clients. Women love to look good while working out and that\\u2019s where my clothing line will come into place."
