Getting The Most Out of Your Legal Dollars - Andrea A. Tarshus, Esq

Published: Nov. 16, 2021, 3:14 p.m.


At one point, one way or another; A business needs legal help with something. Whether it be drawing up contracts, becoming an LLC, partnership legality's, and the list goes on. But how do we get the best bang for our buck? What questions do we ask? How do we know if we found the right lawyer for the job? 


These are all questions we ask local Western New York Attorney, Andrea Tashus. Andrea, like a lot of us; started her business/practice from scratch. She did it an unusual way and has learned a lot along the way which we talk about in this podcast episode. 


Andrea provides efficient, accessible, and fair legal services to businesses, business owners, and entrepreneurs through her law practice, Tarshus Law Firm. Clients routinely use her legal services to form new businesses, file legal entity paperwork, draft and execute contracts, negotiate favorable deals, create internal partnership and operating agreements, file trademarks, handle employee issues, assist with compliance with NYS and federal regulations, and resolve legal disputes.


She also has a background in business and operations, and enjoys working with business owners, C-suite executives, and company managers to create a comprehensive legal and business framework that supports operational efficiencies and strategies for growth.
