Winner Take All #99 | Facebook Adverting Leaving, SubReddit Bans, Content Monopoly Regulation

Published: July 3, 2020, noon


The show opens with a look at the impact advertisers leaving Facebook  could have and how Facebook can balance upholding civil liberties while  still appeasing advertisers. Next, Alex looks at the EU\'s newly released  evaluation of the Code of Conduct and Reddit\'s recent purge of  subreddits associated with hate speech. The shows closing topic takes a  look at some of the different interaction models we see on platforms and  critiques how we have yet to clearly define when communication via  these forms of interaction are and are not protected free speech under  the First Amendment.  


Originally Aired: 06/30/20


\\n01:28 Facebook vs Everyone
\\n17:04 SubReddit Bans
\\n22:16 Content Monopoly Regulation
