Winner Take All #92 | Social Media Executive Order, Content Platform Core Functions, Section 230

Published: June 12, 2020, 10:53 p.m.


It\'s an antitrust focused episode where Alex goes in-depth on the  current situation around Twiiter\'s censorship of president Trump and the  executive order in response. Additionally, Alex explains Section 230  (AKA Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive  material), and breaks down the core functions of content platforms. The  show closes with thoughts on how this new attention brought to social  platforms could lead to the partial dilution of tech monopolies.  


Originally Aired: 06/05/20


01:03 - Twitter Anittrust
\\n02:44 - Trump\'s Executive Order
\\n05:43 - Section 230
\\n12:58 - Content Platform Core Transaction
\\n23:26 - Content Platform Dilution
