Winner Take All #88 | Instacart Funding, Walmart Thriving, Marketplace Buyouts, Viewer Questions

Published: May 20, 2020, 7:55 p.m.


The episode opens with Alex taking a look at Instacart being in talks to  raise new funding and Walmart Marketplace topping app download charts.  Next, Alex breaks down two opportunities he sees in the B2B industry,  using a marketplace as an internal buyout tool, and supplying eCommerce  SaaS technology. The show closes with questions from WTA viewers.  


\\n00:17 - Instacart Funding
\\n04:16 - Walmart Beating Amazon
\\n09:19 - B2B Buyout Marketplace Opportunity
\\n15:19 - eCommerce B2B Distributor Strategy
\\n19:12 - WTA viewer questions


Originally Aired: 05/15/20
