Winner Take All #85 | Communication Platforms, Stripe Raise, Microsoft + NBA Deal

Published: April 28, 2020, 12:49 a.m.


Alex opens the show looking at Verizons recent acquisition of video  conferencing tool BlueJeans and breaks down what makes a communication  tool a true platform. Next, he discusses Stripe\'s $600 million raise and  Microsoft\'s new multi-year deal with the NBA. The show closes with a  special offer for viewers interested in reading Modern Monopolies on a  Kindle device.


\\n00:16 - Verizon Acquires BlueJeans
\\n00:32 - What is a Communication Platform
\\n07:52 - Stripe Raise
\\n10:10 - Microsoft NBA Deal
\\n16:13 Modern Monopolies Giveaway


UPDATE: It appears the sale on the Kindle edition of Modern Monopolies  has ended. Thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway!
