Winner Take All #81 | Airbnb IPO w/ Coronavirus, France Helps Startups, Facebook + Reliance Jio

Published: April 8, 2020, 10 a.m.


Alex starts the show with a look at how the SARS outbreak impacted  markets and compares that data to what we\'ve seen so far with COVID-19.  Next, a look at the current state of startups and some ways regulation  is being done right during the pandemic. The second half of the show  looks at some companies that are still able to successfully raise  capital and what the big tech monopolies have been doing in response to  conronavirus. Alex breaks down if Airbnb\'s IPO will be canceled, the  surge in Uber Eats orders, Gojek raising $1.2 billion, France helping  fund startups, and the potential Facebook deal with Reliance Jio.


Originally aired 03/20/26


00:33 - Will Stocks Stay Up/Look at SARS Data
\\n09:09 - State of Startups
\\n10:49 - Fintechs
\\n12:29 - Regulation Done Right
\\n19:35 - Monopoly Platforms
\\n27:19 - Facebook Reliance Deal
