Winner Take All #79 | Corona on Content Platforms, Real Estate Platforms Slow, Likee Coming to U.S.

Published: April 1, 2020, 9 a.m.


Alex opens the show with a look at the impact Coronavirus is having on  content platforms. Next, he takes a look at the bump we've seen on  gaming platforms, some moves Amazon has made during the pandemic, and  the slow down in buying properties from Real Estate platforms. The show  closes with a look at how startup funding is slowing and what is going  on with Blue Apron's stock.


\\n00:28 Coronavirus and Content Platforms
\\n00:46 Facebook Small Business Grant
\\n01:29 TikTok Competitor Likee Coming to the US
\\n06:44 Facebook and Google Ad Downturn
\\n08:23 Gaming Platform Activity
\\n09:57 Amazon Stories
\\n13:04 Real Estate Platform Buying Halt
\\n16:03 Startup Investing
\\n18:04 Blue Apron Stock
