Winner Take All #67 | Apple Unifies App Store, B2B Ag Antitrust, Huawei's New Alliance

Published: Feb. 26, 2020, 10:34 p.m.


Alex opens the episode with a look at Apple\'s new move to unify their  various app stores and Huawei\'s new mobile alliance. Next, he looks at  some antitrust news in the B2B agriculture space and explains why B2B  distributors need to take advantage of their value now. The show closes  with an update on Epic\'s letter urging hospital customers to oppose  sharing of EHR data.


0:17 - Apple Unifies App Store
\\n1:58 - Huawei\'s New Mobile Alliance
\\n7:13 - Agriculture Platform Antitrust
\\n10:01 - B2B Marketplace Landscape
\\n19:13 Epic\'s EHR Letter


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