Winner Take All #20 | State Probes, Apple Stealing Apps, Opendoor Buys OS National, Apple EMR Access

Published: Sept. 11, 2019, 2:39 p.m.


Notes from this episode - 



State anti trust probes




Open door vertically integrating




Open door valued at 3.8bn, Redfin $1bn. Zillow at ~6bn



Apple copies popular apps




The fix is in! EMR BS


The American Medical Association and other prominent medical organizations say requiring that EHRs be accessible to patients using application programming interfaces could facilitate invasions of privacy and abuse of protected health information. National Coordinator for Health IT Don Rucker says improving patients' access to their health data can improve care and engagement, and Center for Medical Interoperability Vice President Brett Meeks said regulators should facilitate development of a reliable data-sharing platform before rules requiring API access are finalized




USV new site:


Linear portfolios. VC\\u2019s time is up!
