Winner Take All #196 | Corporate Exodus in Russia, eBay Market Share Sinks, I Sold My NFT!

Published: March 9, 2022, 11 a.m.


We dive right into the episode with Alex discussing why he decided to  sell his "beloved" mfers NFT. He details if this venture into the NFT  world was profitable and if he would recommend others try out the  "investment". For our second topic, a look at Elon Musk supplying the  Ukraine with Starlink internet equipment so that the nation can access  internet while in conflict with Russia. Also covered, eBay\'s declining  market share has now sunk below 5% and what companies are pulling out of  the Russian market.  


Originally Aired: 03/03/22
\\n#eBay #NFTs #Podcast \\u2014  


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At Applico, we identify untapped, intrinsic assets that give existing  enterprises an enormous advantage to spin-out new tech companies.  WisdomTree licensed Applico\'s Platform Insights Data Product to aid in  the creation of the PLAT ETF.
