Winner Take All #194 | Bolt vs. Y Combinator, DoorDash Delivery Engineers, Sonos Beats Google

Published: Feb. 11, 2022, 1 p.m.


I start the show with a look at the epic Twitter battle between (now former) Bolt CEO Ryan Breslow and Y Combinator. Are Breslow\'s claims anointing Y Combinator and Stripe as mob bosses of  Silicon Valley accurate? Next, a story that DoorDash engineers are outraged at the company policy requiring all employees to do a food delivery once per month. We wrap up looking at Robinhood\'s stock price being in the basement (time to fire Vlad maybe?) and Sonos beating Google via its patents.  


00:00 - Subscribe and Fight Big Tech
\\n00:26 - Silicon Valley mob bosses?
\\n14:06 - DoorDash engineers make deliveries
\\n17:09 - Time for Robinhood to fire Vlad
\\n19:34 - Sonos beats Google  


Originally Aired: 02/0122
\\n#YCombinator #Robinhood #Sonos
