Winner Take All #192 | Food Delivery Fintech, Mods Want Pay, Platforms vs Inflation, Rogan Off Gettr

Published: Feb. 1, 2022, noon


Alex starts the show looking at a CNBC story that claims ultra-wealthy investors are buying platform stocks as a hedge against inflation in the United States. Next, a look at the unpaid army of moderators that run platforms like Reddit and Wikipedia. Alex analyzes how much power these users hold and whether or not platforms should be paying them. Also covered in this episode, why food delivery platforms are adding in fintech functions and reports that Joe Rogan already hates alt-tech social platform Gettr.  


00:00 - Subscribe and Fight Big Tech
\\n01:42 - Platforms companies an inflation hedge?
\\n08:22 - Reddit mods getting paid?
\\n21:44 - Delivery fintech models
\\n26:18 - Joe Rogan hates Gettr  


#PlatformBusiness #CNBC #Reddit
