Winner Take All #186 | Leaf Logistics, Macy's Marketplace, Cultivate Interview, B2B eCommerce Tools

Published: Dec. 7, 2021, noon


The show starts off with an interview of Harsh Khurana, the CEO of Cultivate, a browser extension and shopping app with a mission to help businesses that are manufacturing goods locally. Next, a look at Leaflink\'s expansion of its logistics offerings and a highlighting of the macro trend in which B2B marketplaces broaden via key value added services around logistics and/or financing. Also covered, Macy\'s partnering with Mirakl to open a digital marketplace, and a look at the various approaches B2B players are taking to offering eCommerce tools to customers.  


00:00 - Subscribe and Fight Big Tech
\\n00:20 - Interview w/ Cultivate CEO Harsh Khurana
\\n14:08 - A Big Cannabis B2B Op
\\n20:52 - Macy\'s Marketplace Finally?
\\n26:35 - B2B eCommerce Offerings  


Originally Aired: 11/23/21
\\n#B2B #Logistics #B2BPodcast  


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